Shakib Cham
Shakib Cham

Shakib Cham, husband to businessman Zari Hassan has shown his interest in boxing.

Shakib inboxed singer Harmonize and asked if they can plan a match together. This is after Harmonize also showed interest in boxing and is in preparation to get into the ring with Tanzanian professional boxer Hassan Mwakinyo.

In a screenshot, shared by Harmonize, Shakib wrote;

"Would love to have a boxing match with you as well in Tanzania, we would make money out of it and do charity as well. Hope to hear from you soon on this." read a message Shakib sent to Konde Boy. 

Harmonize responded; "Lol, watch this one first, It might make you wanna change your mind," Harmonize said

"Zari are you aware of this? Your man is trying to play with death," he said.

Shakib has responded to the singer revealing that he was serious about the match.

"Bruv, you are too confident, get it in your head that Ugandans we are born ready, Whether in here or Tanzania. Just mention a day, time and the place. I came in peace."