Akothee has finally addressed the photo of her daughter embracing her biological father. Kenyans found out his identity and the photo went viral. But this is not the only baby daddy she has spoken about and if you want to read what she has to say about her mzungu ancestor, check out the link below:

Now back to Vesha and Rue's father. Vesha had gone to church (the family belongs to the Seventh Day Adventists) and while there they posed for a photo moment and you can read more about that here:

So what does Akothee have to say about the man whom she has in the past accused of not being around to provide for his children? It was a remarkably sober and mature statement that has served to impress me more with the way this lass truly is a complex individual:

I have raised my children knowing their father is alive, loved and respected❤ even in his absence🙏🏾, but I used to gossip about him somewhere far from my kids before I healed 😂😂 I have raised my children knowing church is a mandatory to go every Saturday unless otherwise,🙏🏾 I have raised my children knowing forgiveness is divine🙏🏾 I have never allowed the bitterness of single motherhood overwhelm me when bills hit me left and right🙆‍♂️, I have always stayed sober & calm knowing very well,my children are not the cause of my suffering, neither is their father , if the relationship dint work between us, it dint work for him too. Respect family values even when things go south ! A child has only 1 biological father and 1 biological mother, take your love triangle elsewhere and raise your children in peace without putting or subjecting your children to hate their father / mother you will never win.when they grow up , see above and read captions below ❤


Jakwath Sut Oromi proper , kopo ni anindo to ritna nyikwa Margaret gi maduma Evan's, kod Yuni pino gi Ajos tinga motii

