- eric3
- Eric Omondi
- eric1

Eric Omondi has always been more than happy to floss his very hot Italian girlfriend. Ever since he introduced her to the public, we have not been breathing properly.

Everything he does seems to revolve around her. Maybe he has never landed such a beauty and he still can't believe she's actually his. But can we blame him?

About a year ago, he did the unthinkable when he went to receive his girlfriend at the airport and even carried a whole dance crew to go and dance for her. This is when the love was still fresh.

To date, many people still don't get the fuss about it. I mean, is she the first person to ever land? But then again, maybe his previous girlfriends didn't travel as much as she does.

Recently, Eric has been posting photos of his new German machine. It's a sleek car. That's for sure. But one photo that caught his fans eyes was of his girlfriend sitting on top of the car. Eric captioned the photo as, "Hii ndio inaitwa kukaliwa na bibi literally."

His fans did not waste time as they flooded his timeline with comments in regards to his caption.

Read the funny comments below;

Tarzan Johnso: erico why don't u marry her if u truely believe she's the love of ur life...I love this couple but this extreme social media luv always end up badly..it's just cosmetic ...time will be the judge...
Fayy M'c Otieno:As long as mwenye amekukalia chapati is worth it then it's OK 😁
Allan Cash Flow Omondi: Mtu mamercedes benz ...eehh Pesa ber wuod Luo #pogna wacha tu akukalie she's yours literally
David Mugo Kanyeria: Umepeleka mbuzi kwao ama ni kujichocha?
Tirus Lilly: Unajua hizi magari ni plot ngapi KAMULU??
Naimar Naizy: hahahaha!ng'ombe tunapeleka soon"
David Karanja: Jaluo Ni jaluo tu!! Na bado unai park karibu na ya landlord😑
Don Pablo: Bibi na hujamuoa