Well, one of Kenya's greatest socialites has decided to make headlines again, But hey, that's not new right?A few months ago,we had already been alerted with a leaked whatsapp message to one of her girlfriends saying

“Living alone is too darn boring and lonely. Would be better to have kids running around the house than this bachelorette life,” she wrote, adding, “I’m waiting.”

She finally wants to be a mother. No, she is not pregnant, and no she doesn't have a man yet. The news is, she doesn't want to have the baby with a man. According to Pulse Magazine, this is what she had to say about marriage;

“I am not the kind that believes in marriage. Honestly, I don‘t need a man to get a baby. I don’t think relationships are made for people like me. I have been proposed to twice, once by a very prominent personality but that is not my thing. Every time I try to date I stay like three months and it doesn‘t work so I kind of stopped going that emotional way. I mean, I don‘t want to have 100 divorces and be branded heart breaker.”

In a way, that does make a lot of sense. Nowadays, it has become a trend for celebrities to get married and then get divorced in 3 months. That does not even surprise anyone anymore, but Vera is not ready to become one of those.

The question is, how then does she want to get this baby. This is what she had to say about it;

“Sperm banks are here with us and there is nothing wrong with taking that route.”

Wow! In these times, who would even think of that? Does that mean we won't even have to be guessing who the father of the child will be? Imagine the confusion on the child's face when he or she grows up and gets to pop that question to the mum. That aside anyway.

This is already so heartbreaking for so many men, and not only the Kenyan men. Clearly, Vera is not the kind of woman to be cuffed and she has had her way in so much so why not now? Well good for her.

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