Avril has responded to claims by a Tanzanian singer that she is fake and not vocally talented.

During an an interview with Clouds FM, the singer, AT, said he travelled to Kenya in 2010 and recorded a song at Ogopa Studios. However, he was unhappy with how it turned out and had to look for another artiste to replace the sexy songstress.

On a phone interview with Word Is, Avril denied she knew of any artiste by the name of AT and said she left Ogopa back in 2012, which was the last time she recorded a song with the record label. She said she didn’t understand why it took AT five years to supposedly say they did a collabo, adding that he should get his facts right.

Asked whether she’s going to take legal action, she said, “It doesn’t make sense to follow up on somebody who is a nobody.”

It is not clear who is telling the truth because the supposed song was recorded in 2010 and Avril left Ogopa in 2012.

Although the song has not been released or the title revealed, AT says it is a massive hit that will be released as soon as he sorts out promotion issues. Ben Pol and Ommy Dimpoz have apparently listened to the song and given positive feedback.

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