hamisa mother

Mama Hamisa Mobetto is back at taking shots. I guess her hypertension was short lived but whatever the deal is with her blood pressure, one thing is certain, she is back at being petty.

She recently decided to go for Diamond's mother Sanura a.k.a Kendra Michaels who is reported to have secretly married her Ben 10 called Rally Jones. And yes, I know these Tanzanians are picking some ludicrous names but what can I say?

Rally Jones and Sanura Kendra Michaels are currently trying to give Diamond and his brother Romy Jones a baby sibling and that is precisely what has irked Mama Hamisa Mobetto or as I colloquially call her, Mama Groupie Love.

Check out what Mama Groupie Love had to say about the love blossoming between Rally and Kendra:

“Jamani mimi kama ni kuolewa basi nitaolewa na mtu mzima mwenzangu kwa sababu Serengeti Boy kwangu haiwezekani, nahitaji kuolewa kweli ila nitaolewa na mzee mwenzangu ili wajukuu wapate babu,” Shufaa Lutigunga said

Can you believe that she has a problem with Kendra living her best life? But what is life without the haters?

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