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Last year, Vanessa Mdee and Juma Jux made headlines for months after they announced that they are no longer together. This came as a shock to many as their relationship was goals for years, leave alone days.

Questions were raised as to what really happened and as always, people had their own versions of what led to the break up.

"Listen to the album. You'll have plenty of answers to that. It was a long seven months of annoyance coz everyone was involved in the break up. People on social media were like DMing me like please forgive him and I was like what if I'm the one to be forgiven. But I really do appreciate the concern and we're good now."

When asked what has been her greatest lesson in terms of relationship, she said,

"When we broke up, a lot of the break up was because we had involved everybody. So one of the greatest lessons now is that don't involve anybody, just the two of you."