
Everyone has seen the much publicized interview that NTV's Mark Masai had with Deputy President William Ruto.

But what most people did not get to see was their interaction with a watchman who had a sad tale to tell.

Dennis Itumbi let the cat out of the bag but revealing the story in a social media post.

"As Mark Masai interviewed DP William Ruto - A man who identified himself as a watchman sent in a text," Dennis wrote.

"He has been saving and hustling to pay school fees for himself and he wanted DP William Ruto to assist him to go back to school. During one of the breaks, as Mark scrolled on the massive feedback - he showed his guest the text. DP agreed to take over the fees. #TeamHustle. That was the other side of the interview and of a host and his guest."

And that is how the young man managed to get his college fees paid by a man turned political powerhouse who knows what hustling is all about. And the drama of being broke.

Kenyans as usual had to give their two cents about this matter.

paolatatua: Too much PR! We want real issues addressed. It's fortunate that the guy had some money to even text. Out here people don't have phones, are living hand to mouth *those that are privileged* sleep outside, have no education, have no hope, have nothing! Basically nothing just their lives. I just pray that in whichever capacity, we have the tiniest of empathy more so when it comes to public resources.

wahinyaj: The other back story is, of all our money was put into good use, we would not need handouts from politicians. So this was not a good gesture as you put it!

dennisitumbi: @paolatatua does not water down the fact that a family is smiling today. That a light on a dark tunnel has been switched on

dennisitumbi: @wahinyaj to the Watchman it is an act written right across his heart

joymaureen43: In the same spirit @dennisitumbi how about you assist me pay my rent coz my house is almost being locked.

angiewahu: When Ruto's Junkies realize that the Interview did not go as planned😮So they come up with a lame story about A Watchman, A text and School fees😮. Please @dennisitumbi Spare us ... Is it not enough that the Government is allowing Billions of Public Funds to be stolen?😞 Now we have to get on Instagram and read such Nonsense😐...

cekewaiganjo: Maybe I just watch too much house of cards and other political dramas to call out this PR stunts for what they are if our tax money was put into good use we wouldn’t have to beg for what is rightfully ours the sooner you realize that most people can now see through your pr stunts the better for you because we will keep calling it out for what it is. Punda alichoka kitambo Dennis.

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