- size 8 hair 12
- size 8 hai11
- Size 8
- size 8 hair10

Powerful women have always known that hair maketh them. Gospel singer Size 8 seems to ascribe to this school of thought.

In a past interview, Hillary Clinton was quoted as saying,

“If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle.”

That tells you the power of making statements with your hair. In the past, Size 8 has being synonymous with her signature red hot flaming hair

Reknown author P.G. Wodehouse once said, “Red hair, sir, in my opinion, is dangerous.”

And dangerous, was Size 8, she made some of her hit songs with that signature look from Shamba Boy all the way to Mateke, before she dropped the look.

Here are some of her 10 hairstyles ever since she dropped the scarlet weaves.

Hit or nah?