- zari 2
- zari 1

Zari Hassan is looking for love.

It's been 8 months now since the boss lady dumped Diamond, and I guess she has had the required time to heal. She appears ready to open up and give love another chance, but she only has one fear, pain.

It is quite obvious Diamond hurt her bad in their very long relationship. Zari, gave Diamond the most important things in his life, his kids - Tiffah and Nilan. But he still went ahead and cheated on her with side chick Hamisa, and sired a child, Daylan.

Zari is a lady who has held herself to very high standards so when Diamond cheated, she was not going to sit there and watch him frustrate and embarrass her. She left and went with her children all the way to South Africa.

We have not seen her engage with any man romantically all we have been seeing is Zari making boss moves.

Zari Hassan took to social media with a post appreciating the fact that she is single because she is stress-free to a point her skin has even become flawless.

being single is cute, no stress.more fresh and flawless skin

The next post was of her trying to prove that she is not bitter about love, she is just scared she will be hurt.

not scared to try again just scared of getting hurt with the same reasons

Diamond clearly did her wrong. But we all need and deserve love, she should believe there is the perfect man for her somewhere out there.

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