The entertainment industry was hit by a major shock on Wednesday, as news on the death of Vioja Mahakamani actor Jamal Nassor Gaddafi made headlines.

Little did one Jamal Gadafi - the KTN entertainment media personality, who shares a name with the deceased - know he was in for a rough day as he received messages stating he was allegedly stabbed.

A case of mistaken identity!

Sharing a surname, people inquiring on him didn't know they were referring to Nassor who played “Baba Junior” on KTN Home's TV drama series "Junior.”

Jamal, went to his Instagram to post, as he addressed the mistaken identity as he stated his condolences to the family:

“Woke up today to some fake news that I have been stabbed to death having been caught with someone’s wife...

“Think its high time bloggers and everyone else who uses social media to spread fake news to be careful of what they publish out there.

The deceased shared the same surname as mine & acts in a show in KTN home (BabaJunior) thus the mix-up...

"All in all I’m okay as you can see... And my condolences to the family of Jamal Nassor Mungu amfutie madhambi yake yeye Mbele sisi Nyuma May his soul Rest in Peace,” said Jamal.

The actor was allegedly killed by a woman friend in Mlolongo, Machakos.

A police report showed Grace Kanamu Namu is alleged to have stabbed the actor at Arks Hotel on Tuesday night after a quarrel between them.

Rest In Peace Jamal Nassor.

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