Morgan Heritage are in Kenya.

The reggae group has so much love from their Kenyan fans to a point they call it home and they have decided to pay respect by recording a song here. Pay Attention featuring Patoranking is a song that is part of their album, Africa Jamaica.

Morgan Heritage are in the country at a time Kenya is going through a tough time following the suspected terror attack at DusitD2, 14 Riverside Drive.

Peter, who is the lead singer of the group said that Kenyans need to be strong and should not let international media stir the negative narrative that is outside there.

be strong and do not let not let the media or propaganda stir the narrative because people across the world are calling asking what is going with the bombing

He went on to give more details and even stating a few examples of shootouts that have happened in America in the past but have not been labeled 'terrorism'.

we reside in Florida when in America, there was a mass killing at a club, a gay and lesbian club and a guy came in .he just started murdering people and why didn't they call that terrorism? a week after our concert in las vegas a guy from the rooftop started shooting people at a concert with over 20,000 people and just killing people and they did not call it terrorism. in California the same happened when a guy went into a club and started shooting people and they did not call it terrorism

Peter added that terror is terror so it doesn't matter where it is and so people should stop labeling Kenya as a dark place to be in.

it time to come together in the umbrella of love. we should not let fear guide us but love. we should not overlook the good in Kenya and focus on that one bad thing.
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