
Private security guards manning key installations will soon be given firearms upon the integration of their roles and that of the National Police Service.

Private Security Regulatory Authority Director General Fazul Mohamed said the decision has been approved by the National Security Advisory Committee and the National Security Council.

“Your work now is fully recognised and we are going to have a harmonised coordination between the private security officers and the national security organs,” he said.

He spoke on Friday in Nairobi during a meeting with leaders from various private security firms in the country.

Fazul said mandatory vetting will be undertaken in the next six months before the guards are given firearms.

"If you have a criminal record, we will know. We are engaging the National Intelligence Service and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations,” he said.

Well during the morning conversation, Adelle and Shaffie weighed in on security in our country and how most times action is taken after an attack.

Shaffie states that the discussion on security is something that is not continued.

"It is a good idea to beef up our security. But why is it that this conversation only comes about after we've been hit, after we've been attacked? It's not a conversation that is continuous because the minute you give somebody a fire arm, it's a whole process, a complicated process"

Adelle on the other hand thinks that we do not follow the right process and tend to skip the steps.

"The reason why this conversation doesn't get too far and doesn't have everyone involved is because we are starting it at chapter four. Chapter one is how are these people paid, are they trained, do they have health insurance are they protected."

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