- Bernard ndong
- TRewvor ombija

It's 2019 and we are not beating around the bush when it comes to what we want.

We must admit, there are a few TV men and women who make us stay glued to our screens.

We even develop crushes and have imaginary weddings and babies with the hunks and hot lasses on our screens.

Well, I am sure the ladies will agree with me when I say, these are the men who make us go home early to make sure we don’t miss a minute of them on screen.

Here is a list of a few of those men:

  1. Pascal Tokodi (Actor)

2. Mark Masai (Journalist)

3. Nick Mutuma (Actor)

4. Lenana Kariba (Actor)

5. Johnson Mwakazi (Journalist)

Johnson Mwakazi

6. John Allan Namu (Journalist)

Also read:

7. Bernard Ndong (Journalist)

8. Trevor Ombija (Journalist)

9. Jessie Rodgers (Journalist)

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