- willy paul 2
- willy paul 3

Just when we thought this is the year we will be seeing Willy Paul walk down the aisle, we are hit with hard news of their break up.

Willy Paul’s baby mama has revealed that she is single and happy. This was during a question and answer segment she created for her fans on social media.

When asked if she is still seeing the singer, she responded:


Miss Ulhaq went ahead to reveal more details, claiming that she has never experienced his bedroom game because as far she is concerned, he is a virgin. This was after a fan said she is deeply in love with Willy Paul and asked if he is good in bed.

The statement is a bit confusing, considering the last time we talked to her, she confessed they have a baby together and Willy Paul has occasionally posted pictures holding his baby.

Miss Ulhaq seems to be bitter after the breakup. She has not given us the gist as to why they ended things, but be sure we will serve you the tea soon.

Also read:

Willy Paul has not confirmed news on the break up yet. Maybe he just needs some space away from social media for a while as he had been trending all weekend long at number three after Size 8 and satan.

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