Anerlisa Muigai is in love and nothing is going to change her mind. Not even your doubts or ill comments about her man Ben Pol.

She penned a letter to Ben Pol just saying how much she loves him because out of all the other men she has dated, he is the only one who has managed to make her smile through the tears.

Anyone can make you smile, many people can make you cry, but it takes someone special to make you smile with tears in your eyes...

Anerlisa has on several occasions put it out there than Ben Pol is a special man in her life.

Other than making her happy, he has brought her closer to God. She confesses that 95% of the time they are listening to music, it is gospel music. This is bringing her closer to God.

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A man who is loving, honest, caring, humble and Godly are the qualities Anerlisa was looking for in her next man and Ben Pol fits the qualifications perfectly.

@iambenpol has made me fall in love with gospel music. 95% of our time we listen to purely gospel.

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As Valentine's Day approaches I am eager to see what the two have in store for each other because to them, every day is Valentine's Day based on their social media posts.

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