Size 8's second pregnancy news was a happy moment for many of her fans. This was especially so for her and her huband DJ Mo.

A week later, DJ Mo broke the news in the interwebs that Size 8 lost her baby through a miscarriage and it was not an easy time for the couple in their marriage.

went to the hospital when I was a few weeks to see the doctor and he told me I have a problem. I cried first then went home.

Size 8 confessed that even her first pregnancy was problematic but she got through it by God's grace. She gave birth to a beautiful daughter, Wambui.

So when the doctor broke the news to her, she thought, it shall be well, we've been here before and we conquered it.

just like i suffered during my first pregnancy with wambo, i thought God will help me through the second pregnancy so i said it will be hard for a while and then i will have a successful delivery of my second baby. 

In as much as this is hard for them to talk about the miscarriage, they have openly spoken about it because the story was already out there so why not complete it?

when i was 11 weeks pregnant, i had labor pains. I was asking myself how can this be in labor and i am only 11 weeks in. my house helped through and in the evening is when i started bleeding. i was so scared,then i called DJ Mo crying

This was one the lowest moment in their marriage and this actually tried and tested their marriage. Size 8 confessed that the emotional situation almost destroyed their marriage.

Read all about it in the link below:

In the interview Size 8 proved to her fans that she is only human and so when all this was happening, it tested her faith in God.

Just when she thought she would get through the second pregnancy, the doctor broke the news that it was not possible.

but that was not the case because the pregnancy was already destroyed. i cried so much. knowing i served the lord alot,  how can this happen to me?
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