Otile Brown misses love. To love and be loved.

He seemed happy and in love with Vera well before all h*ll broke loose. Now he is desperate for love to a point he took to social media to address his needs.

Otile has shocked his fans after asking them to help him find the right girl for him. He put up some qualifications saying that she needs to be humble and suitable for him.

With 🤳 one can possibly be enough ...Damn! I think am lonely...I need a “real woman” in my life 👉 not the fake girls who are looking for fame. Which girl do you think is calm enough for me?#BadMan#wegotnothingbutlove”

He has recovered fast considering his very messy break up with Vera Sidka just the other day. His healing span is quite short.

So could he be regretting his relationship with Vera? Clearly, his next girlfriend will not be a celebrity because from his words, he went through a lot and he is over and done with that.

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