Akothee is now being referred to as the mother of the nation after her deed warmed the hearts of Kenyans.

She was in Turkana donating some food to hungry Kenyans whose plight was highlighted, with the help of a few donations from her fan and followers. Now Kenyans on twitter want AkotheeΒ to be the next Kenyan president.

If you thought that won your heart, well this will make you tear. Remember the clothes she was rocking in Turkana that caused an uproar? The clothes were made by a Turkana girl who Akothee has now adopted saying she wants to help he develop her talent.

😭😭😭😭😭, waa my mum is a prophet , she knew I would definitely come back with either children or someone most likely a girl, oooh guilty as charged, yes I came back with one girl who dressed me all the time I was in Turkana, she has a raw talent that we need to grow , she is with me , now πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Just when we thought Akothee is the mother of too many children, she has just added another one to her list - a girl.

Akothee has not disclosed her name but one thing is for sure, the little girls life is going to take a turn for the best with Madam president in her life.

After all the hardΒ work she has done this new year, she wishes to take a break.

God bless you, Allow me to switch off my phone and rest πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Akothee for president or nah?