Zari's bar

So many people thought Zari Hassan would never find love again. Well the jokes on them because she has found a man who can make her happy 24/7.

She has hidden this man's face from the public probably after the big lesson from her previous scandalous relationship with Diamond.

Well, Tanzanian's never slack when it comes to digging dirt.

Zari has been giving us half shots of King Bae but he has been found. After sharing a picture of their expensive shoes captioning them,

His and her

Someone did their homework and revealed the face of the man behind the shoes. His name has not been leaked but trust me the script will be different come end of this week.

Tanzanian boggers are already one step ahead of the game and everyone is waiting to know more about King Bae.

Zari has been posting on her social media pages about living her best life that includes riding in Rolls Royces, to receiving expensive gifts and flowers. Something we never saw Diamond doing for her.

King Bae even sent her a letter just to assure her, she is everything he wanted in a woman and he is deeply in love with her and her family.

She is clearly in a happy place.

Meet King Bae: