Today being a Saturday morning, I have to admit that I paid no heed to my own advice about how to handle a hangover that you can read here:

But away from that, I got the talking to Adelle to find out what exactly is on her checklist before she leaves the house for a lituation, kayumbet mad!

What she told me was rather insightful.

Because you see, in a world where ladies have to rely on themselves because the age of gentlemen is done and dusted (he says with a mild sense of pride), it just makes sense for them to be prepared when they go out.

When a lass goes out, there are certain things she needs in her repertoire especially if she needs to take care of herself.

Actually, while we are on the subject, I would highly encourage you to peep a gander at Adelle's list of essentials and see what you can learn from it:

1. Cash

Uhm.. You already know why. Here I could quote the memes about how what a man brings to the table needn't be the only thing you have to eat.

2. Mobile money in case my cash gets jacked.

Because well, cash gets stolen... Sometimes.

3. One debit card in case my phone gets jacked

Phones too actually.

4. Flat shoes - I like to dance so comfort muhimu!

Help me say it, kayumbet mad!

5. A good squad! It doesn’t matter how lit a club/concert/party is - if your crew isn’t - it’ll be a wasted night

Where is the lie?

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