
Have a bad hair day and that is all people will remember.

Our hair is one of the factors that's attributes to our general physical appearance.

Because of this you should be doing your part in taking care of it. You know the basics, shampoo, conditioner and all that but there are other factors that contribute to your hair's health degradation that you probably didn't know. Some you unknowingly do to yourself.

1. Pat dry your hair

When you get out of the shower after washing your hair. You want to avoid aggressively drying your hair with a towel which has poor texture. This leads to split ends and in the worst case damages your scalp. A good alternative is to pat dry your hair with a t-shirt which has a softer texture than a regular towel.

2. Sun damage

Just like your skin your hair needs protection from the sun. Over exposure to the sun can leave your hair dry and brittle. Once the damage is done, your hair cells die and they can't be regenerated. The only solution is to cut it. A good way to protect your hair is applying coconut oil. This acts as a layer of protection from the suns rays. It also protects your hair from chlorine in the pool and ocean salt which also dry your hair out.

3. Avoid excessive heat and hair products

Excessive heat damages your hair so try to avoid blow drying your hair constantly, setting the blow dryer at extreme levels of heat or showering with steamy hot water. You also want to avoid putting to much hair product on regularly. Give your hair time to breathe and produce it's natural oils.

4. Exfoliate your scalp

To help your hair grow and ensure that the oils are evenly distributed through out each hair strand. You should exfoliate your scalp just like your face. Your scalp does build up a lot of dirt and dead skin cells. Doing this helps you remove those particles to help air circulation and hair growth on your head. A good DIY for this exfoliant is sugar and argon oil. Combine them together and rub it onto your scalp and rinse of with water.

5. Avoid certain ingredients in your shampoo

When you go out to purchase a shampoo. There are certain ingredients you want to avoid.Some of them are so harsh they are used to remove oil from factory machines.Now imagine what it could do to your hair. A major ingredient includes sulphates. Sulphates in shampoos strip your hair of the natural oils it needs to be healthy. So when you go out to buy a shampoo you want to avoid purchasing shampoos that have sulphates as a key ingredient.

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