Bishop kiuna with his muffin top

Let us get one thing clear, today I am talking to men. I have noticed with no small measure of consternation that Kenyan men hit the age of 25 and start filling out. By the time they are 30, what you have is a guy who is rotund everywhere they shouldnae be.

Then you start hearing these men complain that Kenyan women only want foreign men or are only after money. In truth, these men are rather selfish, expecting women to find their Michelin man physique seksay.

Think about it, most of the men you knew in university are now probably equipped with a beer gut. I know because that was me at some point. At what point you ask? Well right after I started earning a steady income.

And it's not just a problem with young people, older men are not considered distinguished if they do not come with a sagging belly in tow. At this point, I need us to take a minute to appreciate socialites. They have to service their sugar daddies and act like they are desirable...

I have decided to take it upon myself to help you along your fitness journey (or to spur you towards it) with some exercises to help you get rid of that gut:

#1. Exercise restraint

Stop gobbling and wolfing down everything in sight.

Your body is a temple, treat it as such. You do not have to drink beer and if that is too tough an ask for you, you do not have to have all those beers. You do not have to wolf down all that meat or all those fries. 80% of the work done to make you fit is done in the kitchen.

#2. Exercise your culinary skills

Get to the kitchen and whip up something healthy. Research on healthy food and start preparing them for yourself. I have often heard people complain that they are unhappy with healthy food because it is tasteless. Any food you prepare without seasoning will be tasteless.

#3. Exercise at a gym

Start hitting the gym. The funny thing about the iron temple is that even when you aren't in the mood to exercise, you will meet people who will willingly help and encourage you.

And by the way, no one laughs at fat people at the gym. It's all in your head. That would be like seeing a sick person in the hospital and laughing at them.

If anything, men in the gym embrace you because they understand better than most about sacrifice and hard work.