
You probably know his song "Old town road" which has been at the No.1 spot at the Billboard 100 for the past 12 weeks. Ever since there's been rumors about his s3xuality that he put to rest with a tweet confirming it.

He made the announcement at the end of pride month. A month where members of the LGBTQI show the rest of the world they are proud of who they are.


Apparently Lil Nas X had been giving out hints about this with his song "C7osure"  off his EP "7." If you listen closely enough to the lyrics you will hear bits and pieces about his se3uality on the song. if he didn't make it more obvious, on the cover of the EP there is the colour of the rainbow which symbolises the LGBTQI community.


This comes a couple of days after a successful performance at the BET awards and "C7osure" is slowly rising to the top already having 2.4 million views on Youtube. Since making the announcement he has received a lot of support from his fans and his supporters.

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