- Girlfridn dayu 2
- Girlfriend day

I am now in total agreement that women have too many days where they are celebrated.

Today is the 1st of August which marks National Girlfriend Day a holiday where guys take the time to show their girlfriends how important they are to them.

It is also a holiday celebrated by women to commemorate their female friends.

No one can really point out who came up with the day but it is a day that has been embraced the day and it is now being adopted by Kenyans.

But trust KOT to make memes out of this.

Women have been reminded that if he does not post you today, then you have been dating yourself.

The rule of this day though is that women can also post their close friends because a group of close friends are usually referred to as girlfriends so worry not if that man doesn't post you, your girlfriends will.

Here are a few hilarious KOT reactions to this day:






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