- Jahmby Koikai 2
- Jahmby Koikai 1

Jahmby Koikai has been through a lot in her journey of trying to cure Endometriosis.

She has taken us through her journey of struggle and survival all along and even when it was so hard for her, she still had the strength to keep her fans up to date with her daily checkups and medical routines.

The pictures Jahmby shared showed us how much she was drained by the medication and the side effects of the medication.

Today we are happy to announce that she is perfectly recuperating.

She shared a picture of herself looking healthier and she finally has a huge smile on her face. Then she shared a video of her playing Sauti Sol's famous song, Kuliko Jana on the piano.

Jahmby said that she really struggled to get the rhythm right but she eventually did and she could not wait to share it with her fans on social media.

So many people have shown her support through her journey of recovery and so far so good.

She even went the extra mile to shoot a video that was to be shared for her to get the attention of Steve Harvey where she wanted to talk about endometriosis and how to deal with it.

Unfortunately, it did not get to him but she is still hopeful she will get the platforms where she will talk about endometriosis awareness.

Here are pictures of her looking all revived:


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