Ali Kiba is a soft-spoken man who rarely comments on anything going on in the Tanzanian entertainment scene. The introverted stance is his way of protecting his personal life from media scrutiny.

But that is not to say he doesn't see everything that happens within Bongo and the biggest story of the year as been Harmonize's split with WCB. The topic has split not just the fans but industry players aswell because of how invested in WCB Records success.

Ali Kiba has been watching things unfold silently also because he had his own domez he was addressing.

He was cornered at a Tanzanian movie premiere and he was asked for comments on Tanzanian artistes beefing and true to form, he answered in a cryptic way, alluding to the beef without explicitly mentioning it. What he said was:

Shout out to Bongo Five for that gem.

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