Ladasha  Wambui is one of the Instagram babies who just grew into people hearts with all the cute content she's been offering via her celebrity parents.

Sadly that account has been hacked and it sucks because they have to open another account for her. The account had already scooped over 300,000 followers.

you can notice am sad because #Ladashabelle account has been hacked, but we are trying our level best to get it back ... it was at 300k ... 

Ladasha had already scooped a few gigs as a brand ambassador, a route so man celebrity mothers want to take. Some extra money in the family is not bad.

Something Bridget Achieng is also looking forward to the day her son Sekani will make it on billboards and earn them some money.

According to her, he is ready for life in front of the camera.

There are other celebrities who have chosen to hide the faces of their children off social media to avoid all the trolls that come with the decision. The likes of Amina Abdi, Risper Faith and Kambua.

Hopefully, fans will support Ladasha's new page.

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