Big PIn 1

'Mbigiji Imekulwa na Ndogi' is the phrase on our minds when we are asleep or in a meeting after losing focus.

Big Pin who is trying to get back to being number one hitmaker in the music game -his comeback of sorts. He has jumped on the trend right after the phrase came out and Kamene called him out for being a bit too late.

Just after the phrase was made popular, Gengetone group, Ochungulo made a song the next day and it hit with almost 200,000 views on YouTube with just an audio clip.

Kamene and Kibe were not about that. They called him out on their morning show on Kiss100.

Kamene said, "Big Pin stop it you're too late for this" and was backed up by KIbe who said, "artistes should stop jumping in on trends because it sucks."

Kibe was not done throwing shade, he went on to comment on the sandals Big Pin used to wear back then.

ugly sandals. he used to look like a rhino coming from the bush.

A few minutes later after the duo listened to Big Pin's version they recanted their statement saying it is a heavy tune.

ochungulo ran to make the song but Big Pin waited and created an amazing song. Good job

Listen to the audio by the beast from the east below and tell us what you think.