This morning Kamene Goro decided to play a game with her co-host Andrew Kibe and the Kiss 100 listeners.

A game of "assumptions" was borne where they discussed the assumptions they had about each other and assumptions they had about life in general. Andy Kibe revealed that when he first met Kamene Goro, he assumed she was lazy -only to be proved right.

Kamene Goro always assumed adulting would be fun.

Kamene actually thought growing up and adulting would be fun...

Anyway, that is not why we are gathered here today. The vivacious Kamene revealed alot more than that. She told us all how her first time was.

According to her, she assumed the first time would be fun but she was "two clicks from death". Can you imagine being Kamene Goro's first only to hear her say it was comparable to death for her?!

Kibe, on the other hand, had an awesome time especially because he had never choked the monkey a day in his life. So when he had his first, it was truly mind-blowing because it was his true blue first time.

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