God has your man especially chosen and anointed for you. That is the message Kathy Kiuna has for all the single mothers outchea wondering where their man is.

Any woman who is a single mother knows just how hard it is to get onto a relationship with good men. Most good men do not want to interact with single mothers because of the reasoning that they are spoilt goods and the sound advice that one does not eat leftovers when they go to a buffet or one does not start a football match from 1-nil down.

Single mothers are often heard opining for the good men after they were tricked by dastardly men who "only wanted one thing"™ and then they left when a baby came of their dalliance.

Kathy Kiuna lived this truth until she met her prince charming in the mould of Allan Kiuna. This was long before they were bishop Daddy and Reverend Mummy. Kathy Kiuna penned the following encouragement for her fellow single mothers:

To my single mamas:

Being a single mother is hard when you’re trying to meet the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of your children all while you’re trying to meet those same needs for yourself. Between a career, the child(children) extracurricular activities, making dinner, paying bills; sometimes it’s easy to get lost in everything else that we forget ourselves.

It gets lonely.

It feels like you’re alone.

It’s overwhelming.

However, you don’t have to do it on your own;

You don’t have to parent on your own. 

Cling to God, and seek His wisdom and His provision.

As difficult as it may be, there is nothing too difficult for our God.

He will give you everything you need so that you will have nothing missing and nothing lacking.

He loves you and your children;

God loves you so very much. 

It took me a long time to understand that people aren’t guaranteed to stay, but God will NEVER leave and He will NEVER forsake.

(Deuteronomy 31:8)

Rest in knowing His perfect Love will protect you, provide for you,

and guide you.

Always. He will lead you to the man that will love you and your baby/ babies just as He led me to 

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