- yoga pants
- bull nose ring+fashion
- Ommy Dimpoz new haircut
- yeezy dad shoes
- mom jeans
- extra distressed jeans
- Source: The Sun

I just might be turning into the grumpy old foggy I used to loathe in my youth and I blame the current fashion trends for setting me down this path! 2019 has seen some of the ugliest fashion trends i have ever witnessed in my 30 years of life become mainstream.

I was recently at the club with my friend one thing that we noticed is the fact that most Kenyan lasses are overweight. No, really, we just might be at the cusp of an obesity crisis rather similar to the American one.

Seriously, you can read about this in the New York Times article linked below:

And the unfortuate truth is that when you are fat, you do not look good in clothes regardless of who designed them. But today I am only going to focus on the fashion trends I noticed Kenyan youth are into that is either just plain goofy or straight up ugly.

Check them out below and let us know whether or not you agree with the list or what you would like added -because my list is the very example of perfection:

1. bull nose ring

Rihanna lied to y'all that this fashion trend is a vibe when it is actually a dud. This ring looks likes you have a constantly dripping nose at best and at worst like you caught some STI on the lip.

2. outrageously dyed hair

This is a clear attention grab that often leaves the warer looking trash. Feminists have embraced the hair dye trend as have confused knuckleheads. The guys I am done with are the people with both a bull nose ring and hair dye. I kiff up!

3. Dad shoes

Yeezy started off making really cool shoes then when he realized y'all will buy anything he creates, he started creating trash. Balenciaga peeped a look at his playbook and also started making the most heinous kicks ever.

4. ironically dressing like shit

This is a personal pet peeve to me. Why the hell would I get dressed to ironically look like a homeless person or chokora?

5. Mom jeans

This has to be the laziest shit ever! It really is like you didn't try. And this is the worst style to try if you are fat and out of shape. And just when you thought things couldnae get any worse, we now have to deal with rugged mom jeans. Like honestly, WTF?!

6. Track suits

Why pray-tell are the tracksuits from 2000 making a comeback?! Damn! homies are swagger jacking 2000 Eminem.

7. Extra distressed jeans

What does your mother tell you when she sees you wearing a chokora's outfit?

8. Yoga pants

Say it after me, yoga pants aren't real pants. And if you are out of shape please do not assault my eyes with your visage in yoga pants.

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