betty kyalo unflattering picture

When you think about celebrities and stars, it is very interesting that most people imagine perfect tens. The perfect betty Kyallo on each and every day, who wakes up with perfect Betty Kyallo hair, perfect Betty Kyallo makeup and minty Betty Kyallo breathe.

That is not the case. Alot of work goes into making Betty Kyallo presentable for the evening news. Betty Kyallo is an attractive lass, aye, but alot of work goes into making her as hot as she seems to be on TV.

And this is precisely the point of this post. To remind you that you are not doing too badly. You are fine just the way you are.

Check out how Betty Kyallo looks when she is preparing to look sexy on our TV screens every night and spoiler alert, Betty Kyallo is not different from the many slightly above average looking lasses in Nairobi: