Hamisa Mobetto gifts her mother a car

Hamisa Mobetto might not have had the easiest time when it comes to matters love but atleast she is winning in other areas of her life and she's blessing her mother too.

Hamisa Mobetto has been on her grind going for club appearances -that she is paid for- and she has also been making money, believe it or not, from her music.

Whatever it is she's doing, she's making money off it and she has made enough to give her mother a car as a gift. And naturally, her mother is over the moon about the fact that all her hard work raising Hamisa Mobetto seems to finally be paying up. Let's face it, Africans including Hamisa Mobetto's mother view children as an insurance policy.

Check out how that played out below:

How can you help but not be a fan of this young lady?  We here at Kiss100.co.ke are hoping she stays winning.