Cate Actress done wearing bikinis

Cate Kamau or as we all know her, Kate Actress is done with bikinis even though she believes her body looks amazing when she rocks bikinis. She is currently pregnant with her second child, the first for her and her husband Phil Karanja and the couple is over the moon.

However, she still has to take care of her first son who is now a teenager and his friends are all also teenagers and what is the one thing we know about teenagers? Their hormones are raging! Teenagers aren't too discerning with where they park their desires either.

It could be at the doorstep of an old lady, a lady with a beard, or their friend's mother. Teenage boys really don't care where they park their desire. And so you can imagine how awkward it must be for Kate Actress' son whenever he finds or hears his friends thirsting over his mother's bikini photos.

taking to her IG page, she shared the following sentiment:

also don't wear a duvet at the beach, i love my bikinis-because my body was made for them c.. But with age and the fact that am raising a teenage son ,i am becoming a little conservative, i don't want his friends crushing on his mum in a bikini but i will wear a one piece and show off once in w while _