Kamene and Kibe are once again not on the same page.

The Morning Kiss Conversation is today about the ratio off men to women in top positions when it comes to corporate jobs.

According to Kamene Goro she believes women need to work extra hard as compared to men and Andrew Kibe thinks that is nonsense.

The duo even went as far as looking into mjengo/ construction workers. Because women are not made to carry heavy things like stones, they are paid less and that upsets Kamene.

"if there is a woman who can carry as many stones as a man then let her carry and let her be paid what she deserves which is the same as the man" She says

The two started arguing on what one brings to the table and that is how someone should be paid. It does not matter if you work hard or not. Kibe even gave an example saying,

we have different strengths and there is always someone who works harder. It doesn't matter the harder you work the more pay you deserve because then mjengo guys will be richer than even the new Safaricom CEO

Kamene still stuck to her guns saying,

it is harder for a woman everywhere. From even university. remember sex for grades? We are living in a society where a woman is more vulnerable than a man. Men are just handed things. women have to have merit. a woman can not afford to slack. 

Andrew Kibe made it clear today he does not want to shout but the argument got heated and he gave another example of equality women do not want to talk about.

If we want equality, then how come the prison has 10% women and 90% men. women stop this thing of woiye. You are seated here at the age of 27 with me at 43 so be grateful.

This time a lady called in and did not side with Kamene, she angrily said,

level up. we are more but women need to do extra. stop crying and work. this country is not your mothers
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