
Kamene Goro decided to go for an HIV test and beyond that, she posted the results. This will come as a shocker to those who recall the fact that she had previously gone on record claiming she had slept with 27 men.

Kamene Goro decided to treat us all to a photo of the day moment and she shared the results because, and there really is no shocker here, the results came up negative. Kamene is not the first celebrity to do this as Huddah had also previously famously taken an HIV test back in the day and we as Kenyans were pretty eager to see the results because of the rumours that Huddah is a trollop of international levels.

The message Kamene Goro is pushing forth is that you should take an HIV test and not be afraid of knowing your status. THere is nothing quite as empowering as knowledge which allows you to know how to live your life.