khaligraph jones going on holiday

has been grinding hard these past few days, weeks and months. Hell, Kaligraph Jones has been on his grind for hella years. And he has amassed a small fortune that not only affords him a good lifestyle (he moved on up from his humble beginnings in Kayole) to luxury vehicles and now even vacations with his family.

Khaligraph who recently revealed to us that there is no beef between him and his long-time arch-nemesis Octopizzo has decided to reward himself and his family to some sun and sand as the weather in Nairobi has decided to be dark and dreary.

Taking to his social media account he announced that he would not be available for comment on any matter regarding anything because he is now fully focused and engaged in chilling with his wifey Georgina Muteti and their daughter.

Vacation Time with Fam 🔥🔥🔥🔥, See Y’all next week, The OG shall be Respected..

Let us hope he can come back fully rested and with his creative juices flowing like crazy so we end the year on a high note from his musical offering.