pastor james ng'ang'a cover

Pastor Ng'ang'a is a man of God whose methods though unorthodox, are rather entertaining -so long as you are not on the receiving end of them.

The good Pastor has been the subject of gossip and side-eyes from the members of his congregation and the general public alike and for goof reason. The man of the cloth has been seen manhandling his female congregants and using tactics more at home in the Iceberg Slim autobiography Pimp than at the pulpit.

And his antics are the type to garner international attention because at some point even Snoop Dogg was talking about him.

Anyway, this time he faced the devil and he walked away victorious and we have the video of that very event. That is right, Pastor James Ng'ang'a was brought face-to-face with Lucifer, God's own enemy and he walked away victorious. Watch the video below to see how that went: