Kamene Goro and Andrew Kibe are saddened that men are out here committing suicide because of heartbreaks.

The one question they are asking is whether men have become weak or are women just so insensitive?

Kibe is the guy who always fights for the boychild and this time he says it simply, do not let heart breaks control you.

It is simple. tell boys heartbreak is part of life just do not react to everything and let it ruin your life. It is part of everyday life do not let it control you.

Kamene was also for the idea that the new age is focusing on relationships that have no future plan because people are not being taught about love.

There is no one to teach us on love. That is why men are fragile when it comes to love stories

The testimonies The Morning Kiss listeners had were sad. But one lady caught my attention. To her, the time to revenge on men is now.

Guys have heartbroken us for too long and now we have gotten to a point where women need to protect themselves. When you see a guy doing you wrong even if you love them the best thing is just to leave. Men are always afraid of looking weak so they do not want to express their emotions. Men are wicked which has forced us to be savage

A guy called in to give his story. He has been broken severally by the same lady but he still chooses her because he loves her.

Kamene you know nothing about heartbreaks. I was around 20 years old and I fell in love with a babe and I even made her pregnant. When she was still pregnant I caught her sleeping with my friend. I forgave her and after staying home a few days I found her packed. She was leaving for her parents home saying she found another man saying that she loves him. It did not last long, later on she came begging. I  almosy killed myself. My parents came in saying we get back together because of the child. I love her so much but I do not know if she feels the same. She constantly goes home leaving the house. Now I have an opportunity to go work a bit further but I can not go because I am afraid she will leave or do as she did with my friend.

This whole conversation as brewed up after a guy tagged Kamene and Kibe on a story a guy from Tasia who killed himself because his girlfriend left him.

These cases have become too much on social media. As the millennial generation, the need for this conversation to happen within our circles is important to try and help stop a lot of suicides.

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