- Size 8.
- Size 8
- Size 8 1

Size 8 is one strong woman and she should be celebrated. Her pregnancy journey has not been easy.

Her third pregnancy was kept under wraps because emotions were high after losing her second pregnancy. In as much as we can see the blessing, her baby by her bedside she has gone through a lot both emotionally and physically.

During her baby shower, she shed tears telling her close friends and family they should not take anyone in their lives for granted especially those who are there for you.

Size 8 has constantly said that her getting to where she in life is a miracle.

"I have almost died several times because of this pregnancy. it does not matter eather you ave 10 million but you do not have life, you can not enjoy what you have" Size 8 cries

The one fear she had after receiving the news that she is pregnant, is will she lose this one jus after losing another one. After seeking the doctor's advice she was told to take it slow but a few weeks later she had what she called a major 'heart attack'.

three weeks after the doctors visit I got a major pressue attack and a few weeks later it went down. After that scare,  I started having pains in my uterus in specific areas. I though ni mimba inatoka nini? After a scan, they found fibroids. This devasted me because from pressure and now I have this? But the doctor encourgaed me saying I have come this far so it shall be well

Size 8's condition got worse to a point she had convolutions. She went back to the hospital and she was told her neurons were dysfunctional and that is why she had the convulsions.

She was then kept off foods and drinks as they monitored the baby's heartbeat on an hourly basis. At around 3 am, the foetus pressure went up and that then led to an emergency.

The doctor, Dr Thuo came in the next day. They were trying to buy more time because the last scan said I was 34 weeks and days away. They tested the heart rate and i was above 180 so we couldn't buy more time and they decided I had to go for a CS.

DJ Mo who was right by her side all through held her and encouraged her before heading to the theatre room for the CS. He dressed up and went into the delivery room. She delivered but the baby was rushed to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Part one is over but be sure Kiss100 will keep you updated on what went down in the delivery room after.

Read more here.

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