Hudda screen shot

Huddah is out here advocating for the brown skin girl to appreciate her skin color.

The society has made being a dark-skinned girl a problem and now so many girls are running to bleach their skin.

We have seen so many celebrities advocate for it which makes young girls want to look just like the likes of Vera and Bridget Achieng.

Huddah who is born light-skinned started focusing on cosmetics and in her experience she wants dark-skinned girls to embrace their color because they are beautiful but underrated.

She took to social media an announcement saying,

 we need more dark skin women to start believing in themselves.  I am here to tell you that you're beautiful. start carrying yourself with pride

Could this be her way to announce a new shade of her makeup line specifically for the dark skin girl? Huddah has a range of models who amazingly showcase her products but since she is in love with the dark skin girl, she could start-up products that will favour them. Products to allow them to unapologetically dark skin.

Huddah went on to share pictures of beautiful dark shade girls just to make her point clearer and daym those girls are beautiful. So embrace you boo.

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