Andrew Kibe wishes summer bunnies could just stay in the states.

The men flying in are posing as a threat to the boychild in Nairobi. It is that time when women will easily be lured into their arms and houses.

Kibe has sent out a warning to the Nairobi men telling them this festive season their girlfriends do not belong to them.

"I called my friends he told me to let him chase the chic in his house and then he'll call me. These guys are here to finyula all our girlfriends because they have been on a serious dry spell. So our girlfriends are not ours this festive season" Kibe said

Kamene and Kibe dissected the types of summer bunnies and the dates they come in the month of December. There are the OG diaspora's and there are those who left up country straight to the states with a green card.

there are those who left ocha straight to majuu who come early in december then there are those who gave birth to children there. Now those are the real Americans. Good English,good skin and a twist of swahili

If you walk around in clubs you will not miss them. It is that time of the year where it is parte after parte.

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