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Martin Kimathi is famous among the ladies for his looks and to many more as the host of Teen Republic alongside Tracy Wanjiru on NTV.

He finally did a QnA segment where he answered questions from his fans on the DM. Aside from the shocking revelation that he is single, he gave us a sneak peek into his wild sexual life.

Martin was asked to reveal the craziest place he has pekejenged and for sure man has gone wild.

"I have wilded people. There is a time it went down in the elevator. It was whisky but it was totally worth it" Martin kimathi revealed

I do not know why we always blame it on the alcohol yet we know you do what you've been thinking about when sobber.

If you want to have such experiences with Martin Kimathi, he listed down four major qualities he looks for in a woman.

this is deep. There are a variety of things. Number one she gotta be smart. Intelligence is key. Number two hygiene. My guy that girl has to smell good hygiene is a big factor. Number three she has to be peng. So if you're not beautiful please do not call me and number four she has to believe in herself and understand who she is

It is rare to hear him being linked to any woman in the entertainment scene so he knows how to keep thing private.

Ladies hit him up if you fit the above description and if you want to have wild pekejeng experience.

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