The Kim Kadarshian West beauty products founder took fans on a tour of her massive kitchen.

The tour started in her minimalist pantry, which is full of glass jars because — as she said multiple times in her video — her family got rid of all of their plastic jars and water bottles in an effort to be more environmentally friendly.

Kardashian went on to reveal that she stocks many types of milk and water because each family member has their preference.

“All my kids use a different kind of milk,” she said while giving the tour. “That’s all that’s in this fridge.”

Her main walk-in refrigerator in her over-the-top, industrial-style kitchen.

“Guys, I have a walk-in refrigerator where we keep all of our fresh, organic produce,” she said while showing off shelves and shelves of food. “We are building on the property all organic trees to grow our own vegetables and grow all of our own stuff.”

The video has gone viral and fans have alot to say about how poor they now feel.


“Walk in refrigerator” Lord! Kim makes me feel poorer and poorer with every passing day. This is goals fr.


I lost in when she said WALK IN REFRIGERATOR … excuse me come again 🤯


omm idgaf what y’all saying about her this is goalsssssssss. What a major flex Jesus…


Gesh. Freakin’ rich people… can’t imagine what it costs to power that menagerie of refrigeration units. So much for conservation…


Okay Kim we get it, we’re poor

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