Mike Sonko's first child, Saumu Mbuvi confessed that she does not enjoy the fact that so many people troll her father and the words are very harsh and cruel.

In an interview with , she spoke so highly of her father. The man who has gone above and beyond to provide for her and the family. A man who makes sure the little he has he will share.

We asked Saumu how she feels when she sees the trolls all over social media on her father. She said,

They really affect me because He does a lot for people. but those with small monies are those who troll him instead of helping the society they just make noise. When he was really raising people started saying that he was a thief or a drug load. He made his 4 million just after form 4 and people assume a lot about him yet they do not know him

She just tried to show her fans she is a normal girl with feeling like any other human being.

Now, Saumu has two major goals, to be an advocate against domestic violence and she wants to help girls in Turkana and Lamu get access to sanitary towels for free.

She also opened up about the lessons she learned from the past two relationships. The most important one is, do not let any man shine on your star.

Lamu Senator Anwar Loitiptipa is now the love of her life and she is at a happy place.

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