gideon moi

Baringo Senator Gideon Moi reminisced about his father - the late, retired President Daniel Moi's - good sense of humour.

Gideon recounted a time when he was a young boy and Mzee Moi had bought a new car.

"As a youg boy, I could not wait to take the car for a drive, but it got into an accident and it was no more," he said.

Gideon remembered trying to devise a way to explain himself when he got home and because he knew Moi loved the Bible, he decided to grab the good book and hold on to it as he entered his father's room to explain what happened.

Moi already knew the car was involved in an accident and when he saw Gideon, with Bible, in tow, he laughed out loud.

"My father took one look at me and shook his haead and burst into laughter. He had a great sense of humour and that was mzee," Gideon said.

He spoke during the funeral service for Mzee Moi at Nyayo Stadium on Tuesday.

Gideon also remembered Moi's love for meat.

"My father had a love for nyama. I remember telling him the doctor has refused it, but he answered back , 'unaona daktari hapa?' (do you see a doctor here?) Nothing came between him and his meat. He was a gentleman not only in his dressing but in his attitude. He taught us to always learn to do the right thing," he said.

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