- itumbi2
- itumbi

Family and friends welcomed the news that Jowie had been released on bail yesterday.

Other than KOT wanting to do a harambee for him, the other trending topic regarding his case was that Dennis Itumbi will be dumped.

Before all the drama in his life, Jowie and Jacque were engaged, but when he was arrested, Dennis was a shoulder to lean on for Jacque. Now that Jowie is out, KOT were concerned on Itumbi's behalf.

Kiss 100 had the chance to interview Dennis Itumbi at the Chipukeezy Comedy Club last night. Itumbi who was there to support the comedy industry said it is the next big thing when it comes to Kenya's economy.

Of course, the elephant in the room had to be addressed, Jowie is out so what message does he have for him?

"Welcome to the free world. It is unfair that he stayed in there for a very long time. The constitution allows bail and bond terms to be granted to him. Most important message I want to put out is, we continue praying for justice. Justice for him for Jacque Maribe and for the late Monica and her family to finally get closure. By justice I mean for whoever murdered Monica should be judged by the courts and set to jail to rot there and whoever who did not participate in her murder should be freed and allowed to enjoy freedom as it should be." Itumbi said

He added saying that it is a great time to be released, just before Valentine's day.

To you Jowie welcome. I know how it feels to lose freedom, I have been in remand and in the police station. He has been released at the right time on Valentine's day and I wish him a great valentines. In fact, if he hasn't been able to scoop enough money there to send flowers, I can offer some flowers for him to give.

KOT has really been loud on the relationship between Jacque, Dennis and Eric Omondi. That relationship has always been termed as a love triangle but Itumbi clarified saying they are all just friends.

"To KOT, Jacque is my friend. We are best friends we hang out a lot her family and my family are friends and we will remain with our friendship. With Eric Omondi, we are also friends. We support each other's businesses. Social media can use anything to create content." Itumbi clarified 

Dennis also mentioned that he is still waiting for God to wrap his gift, a wife, and give him but for now he is living his best life.

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