Why is there so much pressure on women for them to look a certain way? That is what Kamene and Kibe are trying to understand on The Morning Kiss conversation.

This conversation came up after she saw the disturbing comments on Wema Sepetu's sudden weight loss.

Wema Sepetu said that it got to a point the trolls were too much, she became depressed and started the weight loss journey.

"When she was curvy she was on fertility pills and she did not like how she looked after gaining the weight. So then she started taking pills to lose weight and she has lost some weight that is very recognizable and my question is, is there pressure to lose weight? I mean the extreme is serious. I see the comments on my pictures of guys saying I should join the gym because big bam and big stomach should not be the case for a lady. Are we under pressure to look a certain way and what really is this pressure? Where is it from?" Kamene asked

Kamene asked Kibe why they give women such pressure and he started laughing saying it is serious because there is no woman he has met that does not have the pressure to change her body.

"The funniest thing, every chic I meet wants to lose or weight. Ladies you think going to the gym to lose the waist only? What kind of sorcery is that? When they remove those cosset belts their stomach falls pa, pa pa."Kibe said

A male caller was quick to come and affirm women that gaining or losing weight is all about how one personally feels.

"One thing I want to say is that at the end of the day it is all about you, not the other guy. Like in the case of a man forcing his wife to do 100 squats to lose weight and look a certain way for him. If it doesn't make you happy do not and if it does then, by all means, lose the weight." Caller number one said

It is a major concern because it gives women pressure to go the extra mile just to look a certain way for someone. Kamene even mentioned that she has been there to a point she bought tummy shaper.

"My friend I even had marks on my body just to make sure I look a certain way to please people."Kamene added

Ladies, the pressure should not be that much, look a certain way because you want to not because of social media comments and what that man wants you to look like.

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