- alex and hamisa
- alex
- Screenshot from 2020-03-06 13:34:37
- Screenshot from 2020-03-06 13:34:13

Hamisa Mobetto has had her love life play out in the full glare of the public limelight.

One of the baes she has been linked to is Emmanuel Alex. He has been on the down-low and is never spoken about.

Well, he is now a representative to a top Tanzanian footballer and gave an interview with Millard Ayo revealing that his new deal with the footballer has gotten him to the limelight.

He says after his nasty break up with Mobetto, he and the model cum singer have never spoken.

Its been long since we spoke and I believe that she is okay with her family and business.

He clears the air that he is not married but seeing someone.

I'm in a relationship but I'm yet to get married.

Alex and Mobetto made headlines when a woman believed to be the man's baby daddy went to the media to warm Mobetto against being with her man.

Hamisa has previously dated media mogul Majizzo, Singer Diamond Platnumz and a basketballer.

Here's Alex;

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